All Class 2 to Class 9 buildings, which are subject to a building approval, construction certificate, complying development certificate, a fire safety notice or order by the Council, after 1 July 1998 need to have a Fire Safety Certificate and an Annual Fire Safety Statement. The statement does not apply to a single dwelling, villa, town house, garage or shed (Class 1 or 10 buildings)
The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment template form for annual fire safety statements must be used. Access the form and guidance material on the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website.
Buildings these requirements apply to include:
- Residential flat buildings
- Some dual occupancies.
- Townhouse developments.
- Shops and restaurants.
- Office buildings.
- Public assembly buildings.
- Nursing homes.
- Industrial buildings and warehouses.
- Places of shared accommodation.
- Places of public entertainment.
The Fire Safety Certificate is required to be submitted to Council for applicable new buildings or completed works, before occupancy. This ruling comes under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
New buildings will have a Fire Safety Schedule issued with the construction certificate. The Fire Safety Schedule will list the essential fire safety measures that must be installed in the building or on the land and the Standards to which they must be installed. A Fire Safety Certificate must be issued prior to the occupation of a building.
Existing buildings may not currently be subject to these requirements. However, many of these buildings will be subject to development consent, construction certificate or fire safety order in the future which may include these requirements.
Every twelve months after the Fire Safety Certificate is issued, an Annual Fire Safety Statement must be prepared by the building owner or manager and forwarded to Council. The Annual Fire Safety Statement must certify that a properly qualified person has inspected the building, assessed the fire safety measures, and found that the measure is capable of performing to the relevant standard.
A copy of the Fire Safety Certificate and Annual Fire Safety Statement must be displayed in the building, in a conspicuous position. A copy is also required to be forwarded to Fire and Rescue NSW.