A "priority weed" is a plant that has been assessed to cause severe economic loss to agriculture and significantly impact our natural and recreational environments.
Priority weeds have been determined on State, Regional and Local levels.
MidCoast Council undertakes routine inspections of all land throughout the region to identify priority weed growth.
We also provide assistance and information to landholders to help them discharge any Biosecurity Duty.
You can also ask us to inspect your property.
We always prefer the owner or occupier to be there during an inspection, this way we can give advice and answer any questions.
After an inspection we send a report with a list of the priority weeds found.
We also give you information about how to control weeds where possible.
If you don’t control the weeds as required, management may be enforced. This may include penalties and additional fees and charges.
See our Fact Sheet Noxious Weed Property Inspections (PDF, 64KB) for more information.
Fact sheets & documents
NSW Government - Weeds and the Biosecurity Act
Weeds Management on Roads
Australian Weeds Strategy 2017- 2027
Hunter Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan 2017-2022
4th edition of the free Garden Escapees weed handbook
Garden Escapees and Other Weeds of Bushland and Reserves (2015)(PDF, 18MB)
For a list of priority weeds on a State and regional level, visit www.weeds.dpi.nsw.gov.au
Upload the "NSW WeedWise" app - free via the Android or Apple app stores.