Land for Wildlife Program


Land for Wildlife is a voluntary program that encourages landholders to manage biodiversity and wildlife habitat on their properties, focusing on the value of bushland in maintaining healthy catchments and supporting agriculture.

In the MidCoast area there are currently over 60 properties participating in the program.

With properties ranging from Bulliac and Upper Landsdowne in the Manning Catchment, all the way down to Limeburners Creek and Pindimar in the Myall, there is now some 2500 hectares of land being managed by landholders for the benefit of our environment.

In the MidCoast area Karuah Great Lakes Landcare and Manning Landcare have worked together with Council over many years to provide site visits and assessments for landholders as well as stage training and field days.


For general information on the Land for Wildlife program, visit the Community Environment Network website page.

If you would like to join the program visit the Landcare for Wildlife website for further information.