Coping with Stress

Handle Stress Like a Dog

In 2016, coping with stress was identified as the top personal concern for young people in Australia aged 15-19.

Juggling the demands of school, work, family and friends can sometimes get overwhelming.

But there are ways to help reduce that stress you’re feeling – just like our friendly dog, if you can’t control or do anything about the situation you’re stressed about, sometimes it’s best to  walk away and leave it alone. 

Some other strategies for coping with stress include:


Chilling out!

 When things get super busy and you’re running from thing to thing, sometimes the best strategy is to find some time to relax. Whether it’s  exercise, listening to music, reading a book or gaming, finding time to do something you enjoy can often help us come back to our tasks with a clearer mind.

Get organised!

  By breaking your tasks down in to smaller chunks and prioritising what needs to be done the goal often feels more manageable. You can also think more clearly as  you are focused one thing at a time, instead of the hundreds of things you needed done by yesterday…and how good does it feel to cross items off your list once they’re done?!


If you’re feeling like you are stressed out then find someone you trust to chat about it with. Often communicating our stress to others helps us put what we need to do into perspective.

If none of these tips are helping then we’d encourage you to speak to a Teacher, School Counsellor, GP or a trusted adult about what’s going on for you.  There are also a variety of online resources and support that can assist you. These include:

  • Headspace

    Information and support on mental health, work and study, alcohol and drugs and much more.

  • eheadspace

    Online and phone support from experts to support for young people

  • Youth Beyond Blue

    Online and phone support from experts to support for young people, information for developing positive mental health practices.

  • Reachout

    Information and support on mental health, work and study and much more.

  • Kids Helpline

    Online and phone support from experts to support young people, information support on mental health and suicide.

  • Mental Health Line - 1800 011 511