Bullying can take on a variety of forms for young people today, but all types of bullying involve what is called the ‘systemic abuse of power’. It is often relentless and can cause both physical and psychological harm.
With a variety of social media platforms available to and popular with young people, bullying can now extend beyond the reach of the classroom and into a young person’s live 24/7.
About one in four young people report having been bullied and 87% say they have seen others being bullied.
It's vital that we see bullying as a community issue, and not just a perpetrator/victim issue. Simply put, we need you to speak up!
If you’ve been a victim, a perpetrator or a witness of bullying then we want to encourage you to talk with a Teacher, School Counsellor, GP or a trusted adult.
Speaking out against bullying is the first step in reducing its prevalence in our community.
For more information and for resources to support you in dealing with bullying, check out the following organisations and websites:
Youth Beyond Blue
Online and phone support from experts to support for young people, information for developing positive mental health practices.
Information and support on mental health, work and study and much more.
Kids Helpline
Online and phone support from experts to support young people, information support on mental health and suicide.
Bullying No Way!
Understanding, responding to and preventing bullying.
Australian Institute of Family Studies
Understanding bullying.
Rewrite Your Story
Stories, support, guidance and empowerment for dealing with cyber bullying.
Office of the esafety Commissioner
Reporting cyberbullying, safety information and educational resources.