Heritage Listing

Heritage listing of a property is undertaken to preserve its historical significance for future generations.

There are four tiers to heritage listing as shown below. Heritage is significant in the MidCoast with over 500 local listings and eleven State listed properties.

  1. World Heritage Listing
  2. National Listing - Wingham Post Office
  3. State Listing - 11 sites in our region, including Stroud House, Sugarloaf Lighthouse, Copeland Mine and Wingham Memorial Town Hall
  4. Local Listing - Over 500 sites in the MidCoast region.

In addition, there are fourteen heritage conservation areas which identify important streetscapes with heritage character being residential, commercial or environmental.

If you propose to restore, extend or demolish a property that is either heritage listed or in a heritage conservation area, specific development rules apply.

Is my property heritage listed or in a heritage conservation area?

There are two ways to see if your property is heritage listed:

  • insert the property details to undertake a NSW heritage search. This search can tell you whether your property is heritage listed and also why it is considered significant
  • have a look through Schedule 5 of the relevant Local Environmental Plan. Heritage items are listed under their suburb and the location of the heritage conservation areas are detailed. The plans are:


What rules apply?

If your property is heritage listed or located in a heritage conservation area, please be aware that special rules apply for development. Buildings cannot be demolished or redeveloped without approval from Council (unless the proposed work is very minor) and trees on the property may also require approval prior to lopping or removal.  

Detailed plans and reports must be lodged if you want to renovate, build something new or subdivide; showing how you will maintain the heritage values of the property. The rules are provided in the relevant Development Control Plans as follows:

(Note: the Gloucester Development Control Plan does not contain specific heritage controls, but information in the above Development Control Plans would be relevant) 

These rules also impact on what can be built next door to a heritage listed item so as not to detract from its heritage significance.

Our Heritage Adviser is available to provide free advice to owners of heritage items regarding repairs and additions.

Local heritage grants may assist owners of heritage items to restore their buildings.


How do I get a property heritage listed?

Any person can nominate a property for heritage listing, including Council. To do this you need to submit supporting evidence that the buildings or trees on the property have some special qualities or history that makes it important.

Once identified, the owners (if not the person requesting heritage listing) are notified to see if they are interested in having their property heritage listed, and if progressed to public exhibition, everyone has the opportunity to make a formal submission about the proposed listing.  

We will consider all submissions before making a decision on whether to proceed with a listing.