Our offices and customer service points will be closed on Monday 27 January for the Australia Day public holidayWaste collection services will continue as normal and our Visitor Information Centres will be open as normal.
MidCoast Council operates various community funding streams aimed at helping not-for-profit community groups support activities that provide social, environmental or economic benefits to our community.
Find out more opportunities below.
Apply for a community funding through the Community Donations program.
Apply for event sponsorship, including community and local events, festivals, and regionally significant events.
If your heritage place is in need of a fresh coat of paint, repairs or works to restore it back to its former glory, you could be eligible for some financial assistance.
Funding to support planning committees host NAIDOC week celebrations on the MidCoast.
Pilot grant funding program that aims to enhance opportunities for artists and contribute to a thriving community
A list of the grant and funding opportunities that are available, sign up to receive regular alerts for new grants.
See our video below for some great tips and advice.