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Register your business

To use the public footpath in town centres you must complete the registration form below.

Before you fill in the form, please ensure that you have first:

  • Spoken with adjacent business owners to let them know what you are proposing.
  • Provided enough room for people to easily walk down the path unimpeded (1.8m wide clear path).  Is there enough room for people to pass, especially if pushing a pram or in a wheel chair?  Can people still use the path safely, get to their car, post the mail, wait for the bus or cross the road?
  • Ensured that your current public liability insurance cover extends to you using the public footpath (minimum of $20 million liability)
  • Made sure that you will not create a public nuisance.

Additional things you should consider:

  • We may randomly audit your public liability insurance at any time.
  • To maintain easy access for vision impaired people, furniture or items should not be located along the front wall of the business. If this is not possible, ensure that the placement of items is consistent (provides a predictable pathway) and has either:
  • A solid structure at either end of the display to guide people using white canes away from the wall. This could include solid furniture, a planter box or cafe barrier commonly used by coffee shops, all of which have a barrier close to the ground.
  • Sturdy furniture or items that are unlikely to fall over and are grouped to be easily identified when using a white cane. These items need to be located close to the wall to guide the cane away from the wall.
  • No more than one sandwich board per business is to be placed on the footpath.

Businesses must re-register annually and provide a copy of current public liability insurance.

Providing your email address will ensure that we keep you up to date with Council information that is relevant to you.

Registering community stalls

To undertake a community stall you need to be a not-for-profit organisation. Your stall should be for community fundraising or increasing community awareness.

This registration needs to be completed on each occasion that the community stall is to be undertaken.

  • Have any food items for sale pre-packaged, labelled and stored at an appropriate temperature
  • Agree not to directly approach or interfere with people using the street.


Vibrant Spaces registration