Tenders and contracts

We are regularly seeking businesses to work with us and registering with us for opportunities is a valuable way to expand your business.

Registration on our online procurement portal VendorPanel only takes a couple of minutes. Visit the VendorPanel Marketplace to get started.

All tendering in NSW Local Government is governed by the NSW Local Government Act 1993, Section 55 and the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, Part 7. 

Our Statement of Business Ethics and Procurement Policy guide how we work with businesses to ensure that our business relationships are fair and productive. 

View tender opportunities here

Submissions to recent tenders

There are currently no ongoing tender submissions.

Contract register

In accordance with the Government Information Public Access Act (GIPA), Council is required to keep a register of government contracts worth $150,000 or more between agencies and private sector bodies. 

Information for recently awarded contracts can be found in our Council contracts register.