MidCoast Arts Support Program

Kick-start your next creative project with the MidCoast Arts Support Program. A funding program that aims to enhance opportunities for artists and contribute to a thriving community.

If you have a vision for a public art project, an idea for a creative industry development workshop or a way our community can learn and participate in caring for Country, we want to help you make it happen.

The total grant pool in this year’s program is $15,000, with up to $5,000 on offer for individuals or groups in the creative industries that have a great idea for a project that will benefit the MidCoast community.

Before you submit your application, read the MidCoast Arts Support Program 2025 guidelines.(PDF, 165KB)

Important dates

  • Monday 10 February 2025 - Applications open online
  • Saturday 22 February 2025 - Information sessions (see below)
  • Monday 14 April 2025 - Application close
  • June 2025 - Sucessful applicants announced
  • 31 January 2026 - Project completed

Apply now


Check out some of last year's recipients:

Orogenesis: an interactive art exhibition

Tectonic motion.jpg

The grant allowed me to explore and create new artwork about the fascinating process of mountain building in the MidCoast region.

An exhibition was held at MidCoast Lirbraries and the Manning Regional Art Gallery attracting  a diverse audience including geologists, scientists, artisits, and the public. 

The interactive elements and digital tools used made the exhibition accessible and engaging for everyone. Collaborating with the MidCoast Council was a significat achievement and greatly contributed to the project's success. 

Dr Kim Hamilton, Artist.


Movement as Language


With funding assistance through the MidCoast Arts Support Program, I facilitated communityworkshops in choreography, movement and performance, leading to a public performance at the Manning Regional Art Gallery in Taree.

Since moving to regional NSW in 2018, I felt a strong call to share my dance experience with my community, and I wanted to show that anyone can access self-expression through dance.

Movement as Language was for people that may or may not have danced before, and provided a totally new experience for most of the participants involved. I was able to invite people into this creative space that I have been so fortunate to experience throughout my life. This space feels inclusive, creative, exciting, expressive, and through continual practice becomes a place to gather together to create something special as a community.

KRISTINA CHAN, Choreographer


Art Play, Bobin Community Art Project

Bobin art play .png

This grant allowed us to promote creativity in our small and isolated community. We worked with the community to identify barriers, develop strategies to overcome them and created goals to work toward.

We planned a community calendar featuring images of the work of local artists and a special Christmas market that would allow people to display and sell their work. We established weekly creative get-togethers under the banner ‘Art Play’ at the local hall. We provided materials and assisted with the venue and costs.

We created a beautiful calendar that was very well received by our community. We had a wonderful Christmas market, and we will continue to motivate creativity into the future.

AMANDA, Bulga Plateau Art and Craft Collective