Weed management

Weed management is an essential activity which safeguards our economy, environment and community. We manage weeds in accordance with the NSW Biosecurity framework and associated tools.

Under the Biosecurity Act 2015 everyone has a legal obligation to manage identified priority weeds on land that they own or occupy.

Council's role is to work with landowners and occupiers to help them meet their general biosecurity duty according to the Act. This includes:

  • helping to identify priority weeds.
  • providing advice and information on ways to manage weeds.
  • providing displays at community events about weeds.
  • an ongoing program of rural and urban inspections to check for priority weeds.

Weed management in the MidCoast area is conducted strategically on a priority basis, as available funds allow.

There's plenty you can do to help us manage weeds across the MidCoast and keep our natural environment beautiful! Our Landcare and Dunecare groups are always looking for new volunteers - find out more and register your interest on our volunteers page.